Saturday, March 1, 2014

Visit for a story unlike any you have ever heard

At What Price Do You Sell Your Soul?

Americus Dotter is my pen name. I am an American author and advocate for women, best known for my autobiographical thriller, Soul Sale: A Rude Awakening.

Americus Dotter: Author, Advocate for Women and Life

 I was an ovum donor for many fertility clinics across the United States including Yale University, and helped many couples achieve their goal of creating a family. Stem cell research and the ethics surrounding it is one of my primary concerns. My book, Soul Sale, is the raw story of spiritual warfare that I experienced in 2008 following the birth of my own child. It is an example of "quantum psychiatry," a term that is gaining popularity and support in the psychiatric community. Quantum psychiatry is thought to be where spirituality and science meet to expose unproven realities. In a time where the transhuman agenda is beginning to appear in headlines, the ethics surrounding stem cell research must be discussed and unintended consequences of our knowledge should be examined.

 My work sheds light on these issues in a creative true story not like any ever heard before. I was interviewed for the documentary film Eggsploitation, discussing my story and the idea that "the fertility industry has a dirty little secret."



Amy D.

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